Theme:Progressive Spirits in Dental Research: Advancing Oral Health

Dates:Nov. 16 SAT – 17 SUN. 2024. Venue:Kagoshima Kenmin Koryu Center 14-50 Yamashita-cyo, Kagoshima 892-0816, Japan Congress President:Tetsuya Goto (Kagoshima Univ.) Special Speakers: Prof. Satoshi Imazato (President, IADR Osaka University) Prof. Nicholas Jakubovics (Editor-in-Chief of JDR Newcastle University) Dr. Christopher Fox (Chief Executive Officer of IADR)

What's New

The abstract submission deadline has been extended again.
The abstract submission deadline has been extended.
The registration site is now open!
The call for abstract is now open!
The 72nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research website is now open.

Congress Management Secretariat

Department of Oral Anatomy and Cell Biology Graduate School of Medial and Dental Sciences Kagoshima University

8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544, Japan
E-mail: kaibou01[A]dent[D]kagoshima-u[D]ac[D]jp( Please change [A] to @ and [D] to . )